Tao He Cheng Qi Tang T Granules, 100g

Tao He Cheng Qi Tang T Granules, 100g

Tao He Cheng Qi Tang T Granules, 100g

Brand Min Tong Granules - Formulas
Unit Size 100 grams
Actions Drains Heat; removes Blood Stasis.
Pattern Clear Heat and Blood Stasis in the Lower Burner.
Tongue Usually red and dry.
Pulse Usually deep and forceful, or hesitant.
Chinese name Tao He Cheng Qi Tang T
English name Persica & Rhubarb Combination
Description Drains Heat; removes Blood Stasis.*
Ingredients Persica Semen (Tao Ren) 23.53% Rheum Rhizoma (Da Huang) 23.53% Glycyrrhiza Radix (Gan Cao) 17.65% Cinnamomum Ramulus (Gui Zhi) 17.65% Natrii Sulfas (Mang Xiao) 17.64%
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