Suo Yang (Lab Tested)

Suo Yang (Lab Tested)

Suo Yang (Lab Tested)

Brand NuHerbs
Unit Size 1 pound
Dosage 5-15 grams in decoction - Bensky
Potency 1:1
Taste Sweet - Bensky
Properties Warm - Bensky
Contraindications Contraindicated in those with Kidney yin deficiency with heat signs, as well as those with diarrhea from Spleen deficiency or constipation due to heat from excess. - Bensky
Chinese Symptomology Impotence, infertility, urinary frequency, spermatorrhea; Atrophy disorder; Constipation - Bensky
Actions Warms the Kidney yang, nourishes the Liver and Kidney yin, strengthens the sinews to treat atrophy disorders, moistens the Intestines. - Bensky
Pattern Kidney Yang deficiency; Qi or blood deficiency - Bensky
Channels Entered Large Intestine, Kidney, Liver - Bensky

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Chinese name Suo Yang
English name Cynomorium songaricum; Cynomorium, fleshy stem
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Expected Resupply Date: Unknown

Warms the Kidney yang, nourishes the Liver and Kidney yin, strengthens the sinews to treat atrophy disorders, moistens the Intestines.* - Bensky

Ingredients Suo Yang - Cynomorium songaricum
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