Subdue Internal Wind, 4oz

Subdue Internal Wind, 4oz

Subdue Internal Wind, 4oz

SKU KV119-4
Brand Kan Essentials Veterinarian Formulas
Unit Size 4 oz.
Dosage Varies, depending on the animal's sensitivity to the herbs, condition classification as acute or chronic, and animal compliance with formula administration. Consult a veterinary professional or the Kan Essentials website for final dosage selection.
Potency 7:1, 500mg
Contraindications Should not be used during pregnancy. If the animal is reacting adversely to the current dosage, stop administration for 1 or 2 days, then resume at a lower dosage. If no effects (desired or adverse) are observed at this low dosage, increase gradually.
Chinese Symptomology Dizziness; oily coat
Western Symptomology Control of refractory epilepsy in small animals; seizures; somnolence; lethargy; mucoid discharges; vertigo; nausea
Actions Strengthens the spleen, dispels dampness, transforms phlegm, and extinguishes wind.
Chinese name Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang
English name Subdue Internal Wind, 4oz
Description Dispel Wind-Phlegm, tonify Spleen Qi.
Ingredients Tian Ma (gastrodia rhizome); Bai Zhu (white atractylodes rhizome); Fa Ban Xia (treated pinellia rhizome); Ze Xie (asian water plantain rhizome); Mai Ya (Sheng) (barley sprout); Shen Qu (medicated leaven); Shi Zhu Hong Ren Shen (chinese red ginseng root); Cang Zhu (cang-zhu atractylodes rhizome); Chen Pi (tangerine dried rind of mature fruit); Fu Ling Kuai (poria); Huang Bai (phellodendron bark); Huang Qin (chinese skullcap root); Gan Cao (chinese licorice root);
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