Subdue Head Wind, 60 tablets

Subdue Head Wind, 60 tablets

Subdue Head Wind, 60 tablets

SKU KT145A-60
Brand Kan Traditionals
Unit Size 60
Contraindications Use caution with headaches due to Liver Yang rising, Blood deficiency, or Qi deficiency. Not for long-term use without the addition of tonic herbs. Mint leaf\\'s smooth muscle relaxing actions may aggravate acid reflux.
Chinese Symptomology Headache
Western Symptomology Acute frontal, occipital, temporal, or vertex headache; chills, possibly fever, aversion to wind; dizziness; sinus congestion, chronic rhinitis, scratchy throat, and excessive tearing
Actions Dispels External Wind, stops pain, relieves headaches and migraines
Pattern Invasion of External Wind Heat or Wind Cold causing headache
Tongue Thin white coating
Pulse Floating and rapid or tight
Chinese name Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao San
English name Subdue Head Wind, 60 tablets
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Expected Resupply Date: Unknown
Description Subdue Head Wind is one of the few Chinese herbal formulas designed to treat a variety of acute headaches occurring in all areas of the head. It is primarily used as a "branch," or symptomatic, treatment for acute headaches, but can easily be blended with "root," or constitutional formulas in treatment protocols for even greater efficacy. Its strength lies in the chief herb, Sichuan lovage rhizome (Chuan xiong), and a blend of ingredients that address headache pain in specific regions of the head. (Kan Herb Company)
Ingredients Bo he (Chinese mint herb); Jing jie (Schizonepeta herb); Chuan xiong (Sichuan lovage rhizome); Bai zhi (Fragrant angelica root); Qiang huo (Notopterygium root and rhizome); Gan cao (Chinese licorice root); Man jing zi (Simple leaf chaste tree fruit); Cha ye (Green tea leaf); Fang feng (Siler root); Huang ju hua (Yellow chrysanthemum flower)
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