Stress Release Aromatherapy Blend

Stress Release Aromatherapy Blend

Stress Release Aromatherapy Blend

Brand Snow Lotus Essential Oils
Unit Size 10ml bottle
Western Symptomology nervous tension, irritability, mood swings and worry, or just simply for the feeling of being overwhelmed by life circumstances.
Actions Regulates the Qi, releases constraint, clears heat and harmonizes the Mind

Also available in 6ml Roll-On

English name Stress Release Aromatherapy Blend
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Price: $17.00
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Quantity (1 in stock)
Description Stress Release is helpful for conditions such as nervous tension, irritability, mood swings and worry, or just simply for the feeling of being overwhelmed by life circumstances. *
Ingredients Dominant oils: Bergamot, Roman camomile, Lavender, Ylang ylang, jojoba 40%
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