Strengthen Water (Strengthen Kidney), 8 oz

Strengthen Water (Strengthen Kidney), 8 oz

Strengthen Water (Strengthen Kidney), 8 oz

SKU CMS123-8
Brand Chinese Modular Solutions by Kan Herb Company
Unit Size 8 oz
Potency 7:1
Properties Supports overall mental and emotional wellbeing. Supports general feeling of physical wellbeing. Supports fertility. Supports the marrow that produces the blood.
Contraindications none
Chinese Symptomology Occasional weakness and soreness of the low back, sacrum, hips, and lower limbs, diminished libido or capacity for sexual pleasure, premature orgasm or ejaculation, lethargy and apathy, especially during the winter and cold weather, fatigue with loss of stamina and endurance difficulty awakening or getting out of bed in the morning, supports conception, pregnancy and delivery, premature or difficult menopause, sore throat or a feeling of feverishness precipitated by overwork or fatigue, dark circles around the eyes or appearance as if the eyes are sunken or shrunken, supports the marrow that produces the blood
English name Strengthen Water
Description The Kidney is the root of individual life: the wellspring of Water and Fire (Yin and Yang), and the storehouse of Essence (Jing). The Kidney receives and consolidates the refined Qi of food and fluid (Food Qi) generated by the Spleen and Stomach while harboring the Life Fire (Ming Huo) and Original Essence (Yuan Jing) that we inherit from our parents and ancestors. The extent to which Life Fire and Original Essence can be conserved ultimately determines the integrity and longevity of our personal existence and, to a significant extent, that of our children and descendants. In view of the profound role of the Kidney, great emphasis is placed on protecting and supplementing its capacity to store, dispense, and secure the fundamental resources of life.*

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Common Name

Shan zhu yu

Asiatic cornelian cherry

Shan yao

Chinese yam rhizome

Fu ling


Ze xie

Asian water plaintain rhizome

Shu di huang

Prepared rehmannia root

Wu wei zi

Schisandra fruit

Sheng di huang

Raw rehmannia root

Tu si zi

Chinese dodder seed

Sha ren ren

Chinese amomum fruit

Zhi mu

Anemarrhena rhizome

Du zhong

Eucommia bark

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