Each dose contains equal parts of:
Calc Fluorica 12X HPUS…………….blurred vision after straining eyes
Calc Phos 12X HPUS………………..poor night vision; great intolerance of light; sensitive to artificial light
Calc Sulph 6X HPUS…………………after eyes injuries
Chestnut Bud 5X HPUS……………..tendency to repeat the same mistakes
Clematis 5X HPUS……………………inattentive and scatterbrained
Ferrum Phos 12X HPUS……………..pain in eyes; dry inflammation of eyes; blood-shot eyes
Mag Phos 12X…………………………twitching of eyelids; squinting; dull vision
Nat Mur 6X HPUS…………… ………eye muscles weak; heavy tearing; letters run together when reading
Silicea 12X HPUS…………………….sticking together of eyelids
Wild Oat 5X HPUS……………………inability to find one’s direction in life
The letters HPUS indicate ingredients are in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States.