Si Jun Zi Tang Granules, 100g

Si Jun Zi Tang Granules, 100g

Si Jun Zi Tang Granules, 100g

Brand Min Tong Granules - Formulas
Unit Size 100 grams
Chinese Symptomology Fatigue;Lack of strength;Dizziness standing up;Easy bruising;Shortness of breath;Possible lack of appetite;Possible loose stools
Actions greatly supplements the source or original qi,fortifies the spleen, nourishes the stomach, and dries dampness
Pattern spleen qi vacuity
Tongue An enlarged tongue with teeth-marks on its edges and/or cracks in its center
Pulse A forceless, possibly fine pulse
English name Major Four Herb Combination

Tonifies the Qi; nourishes and strengthens the Spleen and Stomach functions.*


Panax Ginseng - Red (Ren Shen) 25.82% Atractylodes Rhizoma - White (Bai Zhu) 19.35% Poria Cocos (Fu Ling) 16.13% Glycyrrhiza Radix (Gan Cao) 12.90% Zingiber Officinale Radix (Sheng Jiang) 12.90% Ziziphus Fructus - Red (Da Zao) 12.90%

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