Shi Gao Granules, Box of 40 Packets (2g each)

Shi Gao Granules, Box of 40 Packets (2g each)

Shi Gao Granules, Box of 40 Packets (2g each)

Brand TCM Zone Single Herb Granule - Box of Packets
Unit Size Box of 40 Packets (2g each)
Dosage As directed
Potency 5:1 extract granules
Taste Sweet, acrid - Bensky
Properties Very Cold - Bensky
Contraindications Contraindicated in cases of cold from deficiency of the Spleen and Stomach, or fever from yin deficiency - Benksy
Chinese Symptomology High fever without chills, irritability, intense thirst, profuse sweating; Cough and wheezing with fever and thick, viscous sputum; headache, toothache or swollen and painful gums due to Stomach fire; eczema, burns, and ulcerated sores - Bensky
Actions Cools Lung and Stomach fire, while also dispersing to vent to the exterior and release the muscle layer. - Bensky
Pattern Heat, fire, Lung heat, Stomach fire - Bensky
Channels Entered Lung, Stomach - Bensky
Tongue Red tongue with yellow coating - Bensky
Pulse Flooding, big pulse - Bensky
Branch Lung, Stomach
Chinese name Shi Gao Granules
English name Gypsum fibrosum

Excerpted from Bensky:  Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica, 3rd ed.

  • Clears heat and drains fire:  for high fever without chills, irritability, intense thirst, profuse sweating, a flooding, big pulse, and red tongue with yellow coating.  This condition is one of excess in the qi level of the four levels of disease, or the yang brightness channel stage of the six stages of disease.*
  • Clears heat from excess from the Lungs:  for cough and wheezing with fever and thick, viscous sputum.*
  • Clears blazing Stomach fire:  for headache, toothache, or swollen and painful gums due to Stomach fire.*
  • For eczema, burns, and ulcerated sores:  usually applied topically in powdered form after being calcined and mixed with other herbs.  May also be taken internally for these conditions.*

Shi Gao - Gypsum Fibrosum