She Chuan Zi (Lab Tested)

She Chuan Zi (Lab Tested)

She Chuan Zi (Lab Tested)

Brand NuHerbs
Unit Size 1 pound
Taste Acrid, bitter - Bensky
Properties Warm, slightly toxic - Bensky
Contraindications Should not be taken orally in cases of damp-heat in the lower burner or yin deficiency with heat signs. - Bensky
Pattern Dampness; Cold-dampness; Kidney deficiency; Cold Womb - Bensky
Channels Entered Kidney - Bensky

Product will ship FedEx Ground, even if Expedited is selected.  Call for expedited shipping rates.

Chinese name She Chuan Zi
English name Cnidium Fruit
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Expected Resupply Date: Unknown

Excerpted from Bensky:  Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica

  • Dries dampness, kills parasites, and stops itching:  used topically as a wash, powder, or ointment for any kind of weeping, itchy skin lesion, especially in the genital area.  Also for scabies and tinea.*
  • Disperses cold, dispels wind, and dries dampness:  for vaginal discharge due to cold-dampness or lower back pain due to wind-cold-dampness affecting the Kidneys and the Governing vessel.*
  • Warms the Kidneys and fortifies the yang:  taken internally for impotence or infertility (male or female) due to Kidney deficiency or cold Womb.*
Ingredients She Chuang Zi - 100%
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