Sha Yuan Zi

Sha Yuan Zi

Sha Yuan Zi

Brand Asia Naturals Raw Herbs
Unit Size 1 pound
Dosage 9-18 grams in decoction
Taste sweet
Properties warm
Contraindications Contraindicated in patterns of yin deficiency with heat signs, hyperactive sex drive, or urinary frequency.
Chinese Symptomology Kidney yang deficiency such as lower back pain, tinnitus, impotence, premature ejaculation, urinary frequency or incontinence, or vaginal discharge; diminished visual acuity or blurred vision from Liver deficiency.
Western Symptomology tinnitus
Actions Tonifes the Liver and Kidneys, secures the essence, brightens the eyes
Pattern Kidney yang deficiency; Liver deficiency
Channels Entered Kidney, Liver

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Chinese name guan sha yuan, sha yuan ji li, tong ji li, tong sha yuan
English name Astragalus Seed; Astragali complanati Semen
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On sale: $9.58 ($11.98) save 20%
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Although warming, it is considered rather moistening and harmonious in its actions.* - Bensky


Sha Yuan Zi - Astragali complanati Semen

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