Bei Sha Shen (Lab Tested)

Bei Sha Shen (Lab Tested)

Bei Sha Shen (Lab Tested)

Brand NuHerbs
Unit Size 1 pound
Dosage 9-15 gms
Taste Sweet, slightly bitter
Properties Slightly cold
Contraindications Contraindicated for coughs due to wind-cold or in cases of cold from deficiency of the Lungs and Stomach.
Chinese Symptomology Dry, non-productive cough from heat injuring the Lung yin marked by a dry mouth and thirst; Dry and parched mouth, thirst, and irritability; Pathogenic heat, such as that of a warm pathogen disease injuring the Stomach yin.
Actions Nourishes the Lung yin and clears heat; Nourishes the Stomach yin and generates fluids.
Pattern Yin deficiency, Lung heat, Stomach yin deficiency
Channels Entered Lungs, Stomach
Branch Lungs, Stomach

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Chinese name Sha Shen (Bei), High
English name Glehnia
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Price: $19.15
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Quantity (2 in stock)

Glehniae Radix (bei sha shen) is heavy, firm in texture, sweet, cooling, and rather greasy. It tends to clear Lung heat, nourish Lung yin, and generate Stomach fluids so that it can be used for fire blazing from yin deficiency, cough with little phlegm, steaming bones consumptive heat, or injured fluids in the aftermath of a warm or febrile disorder. However, because it is rather greasy, it is inappropriate for use with an externally-contracted pathogen. (from Bensky - Chinese Herbal Materia Medica, 3rd ed.)*

Ingredients Bei Sha Shen - 100%

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