Settle the Will Decoction, 4 oz

Settle the Will Decoction, 4 oz

Settle the Will Decoction, 4 oz

SKU KAH107-4
Brand Alembic Herbals by Kan
Unit Size 4 oz.
Dosage As directed
Potency 7:1
Properties Traditionally used to settle timidity, and quiet the Spirit, for those with sorrow and forgetfulness Supports the ability the relax and rest at night, helpful for those who lack a sense of peacefulness at night, and experience disquietude when lying down
Chinese Symptomology occasional anxiety, night sweats, difficulty sleeping, and forgetfulness, and the tendency to feel easily startled, or have a sensation of being emotionally out of control.
Actions Supplements Heart Qi and boosts the Zhi/will, wisdom, settles timidity and quiets the Shen/Spirit.
Pattern Heart Blood and Spleen Qi vacuity with disturbed Spirit, restless sleep, and inability to concentrate.
Pulse Rapid and thin.
Branch Pale red, with a thin coating

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Chinese name Jia wei ding zhi tang
English name Settle the Will Decoction

"In Sun Si-miao's Qian jin yao fang/Thousand Gold Piece Prescription it says the following about Settle the Will Pill: 'It treats heart qi insufficiency and insufficiency of the five (Yin) viscera. If severe, there will be damage from anxiety and sorrow and sudden forgetfulness. This formula supplements the xin/heart and boosts the zhi/wisdom. Settles timidity, and quiets the spirit. It governs the treatment of heart timidity and tendency to fear. The patient is not peaceful at night and unable to sleep, with disquietude when lying down. Settle the Will Decoction treats lao xin/heart taxation and dan leng/gallbladder cold. When the heart qi is insufficient, the heart spirit is deprived of nourishment. Therefore, there is heart timidity and a tendency to fear. The treatment strategy must supplement the heart and boost intelligence, quiet the spirit, and settle the will." - Z'ev Rosenberg: Clinical Guide for Practitioners* "The sovereign medicinal Shi zhu hong ren shen (Chinese red ginseng) calms the spirit, nourishes the heart, and boosts intelligence. It stabilizes the heart qi in order to house the spirit. Bao mu fu shen (Poria with wood root) and Yuan zhi (Polygala) quiet the spirit and settle the will. Jiu jie chang pu (Altaica) opens the heart orifice, brightens the mind and scours phlegm. All of these medicinals used together have a good effect. This prescription and Suan zao ren tang both nourish and quiet the spirit, but this one emphasizes Shi zhu hong ren shen and Bao mu fu shen to supplement the heart. In [this] version ... is added Suan zao ren (Sour jujube) to nourish liver and heart blood, enabling good sleep and providing a house for the spirit, Dang gui (Chinese angelica) and Dan shen (Chinese salvia) to nourish and circulate heart blood. In addition Dan shen calms the spirit. Zhi gan cao (Chinese licorice) strengthens the heart, alleviates palpitations and supplements spleen qi." - Rosenberg: Clincial Guide*


Pinyin Name

Common Name

Hong ren shen

Chinese red ginseng root and rhizome

Fu shen mu

Poria with wood root

Chao suan zao ren

Dry fried sour jujube seed

Dang gui shen

Dong quai root

Zhi gan cao

Honey fried Chinese licorice root and rhizome

Jiu jie chang pu

Altaica rhizome

Yuan zhi

Polygala root

Dan shen

Chinese salvia root and rhizome