.14x30 #01 Lime Green - Seirin J-Type Acupuncture Needle

.14x30 #01 Lime Green - Seirin J-Type Acupuncture Needle
seirin j-type needle image

.14x30 #01 Lime Green - Seirin J-Type Acupuncture Needle

Brand Seirin J-Type Acupuncture Needles
Unit Size 100 needles
Contraindications This needle is approved by Health Canada
Silicone Coating yes

Volume Discounts:
10-19 Boxes Save 8%
20-29 Boxes Save 12%
30+ Boxes Save 15%

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CAUTION Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of qualified practitioners of acupuncture determined by the States.
English name Seirin J #.01, 0.14x30 LimeGre

Gentle, painless and stress-free acupuncture. One surgical stainless steel needle per blister package. Features lightweight, color coded, 2.0 x 20 mm easy release comfort grip plastic handle with Light Touch Insertion™. Sterile, disposable.

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