Sedatelec Pressure Feeler, Blue, 250g

Sedatelec Pressure Feeler, Blue, 250g

Sedatelec Pressure Feeler, Blue, 250g

Brand Clinical Supplies, Miscellaneous
Unit Size 5.75" long probe includes a 5.25"x 0.3" dia handle and 0.5" spring loaded probe with rounded tip.

Also available in Black (130g)

English name Sedatelec Pressure Feeler, Blue, 250g
(1 reviews)  

Price: $49.90
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Quantity (1 in stock)

The pressure feeler is a pen shaped instrument with a spring-loaded tip designed to apply different pressure on the skin. It may be used to locate painful points on the ear. 5.75" long probe includes a 5.25"x 0.3" dia handle and 0.5" spring loaded probe with rounded tip. Available in two different weights to ascertain the sensitivity of the irritated points, either black (130g) or blue (250g).

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1 Most recent customer reviews (see all reviews):
Jul 25, 2016
This customer purchased the item at our site.
Very helpul.

Advantages: When are you given us the 300, 350, 400 grams probe ?
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