Sage Essential Oil

Sage Essential Oil

Sage Essential Oil

Brand Snow Lotus Essential Oils
Unit Size 10 ml bottle
Western Symptomology chronic tiredness, low stamina, withdrawal, spacyness and memory loss. - Holmes
Actions Tonifies Qi and Blood, resolves damp and strengthens the mind (Holmes, Clinical Aromatherapy, 2009)
English name Sage Essential Oil
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Price: $16.00
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Psychological function: Sage oil imparts strength, mental focus and grounding. For chronic tiredness, low stamina, withdrawal, spacyness and memory loss. Sage is also used as a general balancing oil for women at all phases of reproductive life.

Topical use
: In low dilution, Sage oil is helpful for oily skin, scalp and hair.

Basic Chinese Medicine function: To tonify the Qi and Blood, resolve damp and strengthen the Mind

Ingredients Botanical name: Salvia officinalis Plant part: The herb Origin: Hungary Plant Source: Sustainably wild-harvested and certified organic Extraction: Steam distillation
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