.12x4mm - SPINEX Intradermal Acupuncture Needle

.12x4mm - SPINEX Intradermal Acupuncture Needle

.12x4mm - SPINEX Intradermal Acupuncture Needle

Brand Seirin Spinex Intradermal Needles
Unit Size 100 needles
Contraindications This needle is approved by Health Canada

Click here to see a list of sizes for Seirin Spinex Intradermal Needles

CAUTION Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of qualified practitioners of acupuncture determined by the States.
English name SPINEX Intradermal, 0.12 x 4mm
Description SEIRIN Spinex intradermal needles are used for specialized acupuncture treatment. The needle features a 1.5mm dia ring handle and is available in a box of 100 needles with one sterile needle per blister package. Three lengths, 3mm, 4mm and 6mm are available.
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