Roman Camomile Hydrosol Mister

Roman Camomile Hydrosol Mister

Roman Camomile Hydrosol Mister

Brand Snow Lotus Essential Oils
Unit Size 2 fl oz Spray
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Price: $15.00
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Quantity (2 in stock)

Fragrance profile: Roman camomile hydrosol has a delicate, sensuous, warm herbaceous aroma similar to the actual flower, with subtle amber, hay and fruit notes that linger.

Mist Roman camomile hydrosol for . . .

* A relaxing, sensuous, soothing floral mist

* Its gentle conditioning qualities for sensitive and combination skin types*

* Eye contouring in case of circles beneath the eyes

* Cooling for any skin irritation, for sunburn, eczema and other similar skin conditions*

Roman Chamomile hydrosol is arelaxing, sensuous, cooling, soothing floral mist, gentle for all skin types, including sensitive and combination. *


Botanical source: Anthemis nobilis
Plant part used: The flower heads
Origin: Italy
Production: Organic
Extraction method: Steam distillation of the semi-dried flowers