Qing Yin Wan

Qing Yin Wan

Qing Yin Wan

Brand Miscellaneous Chinese Formulations
Unit Size Box of 10 wax balls, each containing one large gummy pill.
Dosage Take 1/2 to 1 pill, twice daily
Chinese Symptomology Hoarseness; Dry, sore throat; Chronic cough from deficiency
Western Symptomology Chronic cough; Sore Throat; Hoarseness
Actions Nourishes yin, moistens the throat, clears heat, relieves cough.
Pattern Chronic deficiency cough
Chinese name Qing Yin Wan
English name Golden Throat Tablets
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Price: $22.99
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Quantity (7 in stock)
Description Used for hoarseness or dry sore throat. Also for chronic deficiency cough emanating from the throat.*
Ingredients Honey, Fritillaria Bulb, Kudzu Root, Tropical Almond Fruit, Polyporus Sclerotium, Japanese Apricot Fruit, Chinese Licorice Root, Trichosanthes Root.
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