Qing Qi Hua Tan Tang Granules, 100g

Qing Qi Hua Tan Tang Granules, 100g

Qing Qi Hua Tan Tang Granules, 100g

Brand Min Tong Granules - Formulas
Unit Size 100 grams
Actions Strengthens Spleen and Lung function; resolves phlegm; clears heat; diffuses Lung Qi; soothes coughs; calms wheezing; and regulates Qi.
Pattern Lung heat;Phlegm
Tongue Usually red with a yellow and greasy coating.
Pulse Usually slippery and rapid.
Branch Lung
Chinese name Qing Qi Hua Tan Tang
English name Pinellia Clear Qi Combination
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Expected Resupply Date: Unknown

This formula eliminates Heat from the Lungs; dissolves Phlegm; reverses the ascension of rebellious Qi; is an anti-tussive and expectorant.

Ingredients Pinellia Tuber (Ban Xia) 14.30% Arisaema Cum Felle Bovis Pulvis (Dan Nan Xing) 14.30% Citrus Gradis Exocarpium (Ju Hong) 11.90% Armeniaca Semen (Xing Ren) 11.90% Scutellaria Radix (Huang Qin) 11.90% Citrus Auruntium Fructus-Immature (Zhi Shi) 11.90% Trichosanthes Semen (Gua Lou Ren) 11.90% Poria Cocos (Fu Ling) 11.90%
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