Qing Fei Clearing (1 oz)

Qing Fei Clearing (1 oz)

Qing Fei Clearing (1 oz)

SKU KT138-1
Brand Kan Traditionals
Unit Size 1
Dosage 16-48 drops, 2-3 times daily.
Potency 7:1
Properties Helps dispel cough with abundant, thick, yellow sputum
Chinese Symptomology Cough with abundant, thick, yellow sputum. Swollen and painful throat. Fever. Mouth or nose sores. Toothache. Boils. Concentrated urine. Constipation. Bleeding from the nose or gums. It may be helpful for such conditions as tonsillitis, pharyngitis, acute bronchitis, acute tracheitis, pulmonary abscess, and pneumonia
Actions Clears Lung Heat, quells Liver Fire, resolves Phlegm Heat, stops cough, moistens Lungs and throat
Pattern Lung Heat with Phlegm, Liver Fire
Tongue Red, with a dry, dark yellow coating
Pulse Wiry, rapid and slippery
Chinese name Qing Fei Yi Huo Pian
English name Qing Fei Clearing (1 oz)

Qing Fei Clearing Formula is indicated for Lung Heat with Phlegm, that is aggravated by Liver Fire. The predominant symptom will be a cough with profuse or sticky yellow phlegm. This prescription clears Lung-Heat and drains Liver Fire through a purging action, therefore it must only be used with Fire symptoms. The Liver and Lungs normally work together to ensure the smooth flow of Qi throughout the chest, however if the Liver Qi becomes excessive and transforms into Fire, it may rise up to the Lungs and obstruct the descent of the Lung Qi causing congestion, fluid depletion, rib-side pain and breathlessness. There may also be the typical manifestations of Liver Fire such as a bitter taste in the mouth, irritability, easily provoked anger, red cheeks and a red tongue with a yellow coating. This prescription is appropriate to use after a patient has contracted a Wind-Cold and the pathogen sinks deeper into the Lungs, transforming to Fire causing congestion, coughing and wheezing. Qing Fei Clearing Formula will clear Heat from the Lungs, reduce the counterflow of Liver Fire, stop coughing and increase fluids.


huang qin (Chinese skullcap root) sheng da huang (raw rhubarb rhizome) jie geng (platycodon root) zhi zi (gardenia fruit) tian hua fen (trichosanthes root) ku shen (shrubby sophora root) zhi mu (anemarrhena rhizome) qian hu (peucedanum root)

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