Qing Dan Hua Shi Pian, Tablets

Qing Dan Hua Shi Pian, Tablets

Qing Dan Hua Shi Pian, Tablets

Brand Guang Ci Tang Tablets & Teapills
Unit Size 200 200mg Tablets
Potency 5:1
Chinese name Qing Dan Hua Shi Pian, Tablets
English name GallbladClear Tablets
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Price: $16.90
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Quantity (9 in stock)

Qing Dan Hua Shi Pian (Qing Dan Hua Shi Wan, GallbladClear) is a Chinese medicine that clears away Heat and may help normalize the secretion of bile from the gallbladder. This herbal remedy may also promote healthy urine production, nourish the Liver, and dissolve gallstones and clear the urinary tract.*


A proprietary blend of:

Lysimachia whole plant (Lysimachia christinae) (Jin Qian Cao)
Bupleurum root (Bupleurum chinense) (Chai Hu)
Barbed skullcap root (Scutellaria baicalensis) (Huang Qin)
Chinese peony root (Paeonia lactiflora) (Bai Shao)
Turmeric root (Curcuma longa) (Yu Jin)
Chinese rhubarb root and rhizome (Rheum officinale) (Da Huang)
Yin-chen wormwood young shoot (Artemisia capillaris) (Yin Chen)
Costus root (Saussurea costus) (Mu Xiang)

Other ingredients: corn starch, dextrin, magnesium stearate


Gui Pi Tang

SKU: BP507

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