Qi Ju Di Huang Wan Granules, 100g

Qi Ju Di Huang Wan Granules, 100g

Qi Ju Di Huang Wan Granules, 100g

Brand Min Tong Granules - Formulas
Unit Size 100 grams
Western Symptomology Vision problems due to deficiency of Kidney Yin or Qi. Symptoms include blurry vision, dry and painful eyes, pressure behind the eyes, and poor night vision. Also applicable for dizziness, headaches, pain behind eyes, outburts of anger, heat in palms, restlessness and insomnia.
Actions Kidney and Liver yin deficiency in which Liver deficiency is the predominant aspect
Pattern Liver yin deficiency; Kidney yin deficiency
Tongue Red with thin coating
Pulse Thin and wiry
Branch Liver, Kidney
English name Lycium, Chrysanthemum, Rehmannia Formula

This formula nourishes the Kidneys Yin; tonifies the Liver; brightens the eyes.*

Ingredients Rehmannia Radix-Prepared (Shu Di Huang) 27.11% Cornus Fructus (Shan Zhu Yu) 13.33% Dioscorea Rhizoma (Shan Yao) 13.33% Poria Cocos (Fu Ling) 10.67% Paeonia Cortex (Mu Dan Pi) 10.67% Alisma Rhizoma (Zi Xie) 10.67% Lycium Fructus (Gou Qi Zi) 7.11% Chrysanthemum Flos (Ju Hua) 7.11%