Pueraria 10, 100 tablets

Pueraria 10, 100 tablets

Pueraria 10, 100 tablets

SKU SF192-100
Brand Seven Forests
Unit Size 100 tablets (extracts of pueraria and fresh ginger are combined with powdered crude herbs, then formed)
Chinese Symptomology Muscular pain, especially in the upper body
Western Symptomology Frozen shoulderRotator cuff tenderness
Actions Dispel windRegulate wei and yingVitalize bloodCirculate stagnated liver qi

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English name Pueraria 10, 100 tablets
Description Pueraria 10 is a combination of key ingredients from three formulas that are indicated for stiffness and pain in the muscles of the upper body (scapula region, shoulders, neck): Bupleurum and Pueraria Combination (Chai Ge Jieji Tang), Pueraria Combination (Gegen Tang), and Chiang-huo and Turmeric Combination (Juanbi Tang). Pueraria is considered a specific agent for treating this part of the body, based on text passages in the Shanghan Lun where adding this ingredient to another formula extends the indications to treatment of stiffness and pain in the upper back and shoulders. Turmeric, the main blood vitalizing agent in the formula (assisted by tang-kuei, peony, and cinnamon), is often selected for upper body pain syndromes due to blood stasis. While the original prescriptions upon which Pueraria 10 was based were aimed at treating symptoms resulting from invasion of exogenous pathogenic factors (i.e., wind and cold), this formula is also suited to the treatment of pain due to injuries, such as whiplash, and for disorders due to long-term poor posture, such as frozen shoulder. Pueraria 10 has a formulation similar to Bupleurum and Cinnamon Combination (Chaihu Guizhi Tang), another Shanghan Lun prescription, which was modified by adding pueraria to produce a therapy for "chiropractic syndrome," the problem of having tension in the spinal area, as if repeatedly in need of adjustment. After using Pueraria 10 to relieve the strains in the spine and neck area, Bupleurum 12 can be used as the constitutional formula for long-term therapy; Bupleurum 12 may also be used along with Pueraria 10 when the aching is mainly due to poor posture and stress reaction.
Ingredients Ge Gen (pueraria (e)) 20% Chai Hu (bupleurum) 16% Gui Zhi (cinnamon twig) 12% Bai Shao (peony) 12% Qiang Huo (chiang-huo) 8% Jiang Huang (turmeric) 8% Dang Gui (tang-kuei) 8% Fang Feng (siler) 8% Sheng Jiang (ginger (e)) 5% Gan Cao (licorice) 3%
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