ProM-300 TENS

ProM-300 TENS

ProM-300 TENS

Brand ProMed Specialties
Unit Size 95 mm(H) 61.5mm(W) 26m(T) Weight: Approx. 120grams (battery included)

Dual channel

Continuous, modulate and burst

Timer: 30 minutes, 60 minutes and continuous

System Includes:


Lead Wires

4 Self-Adhesive Reuseable Electrodes

9 Volt Battery

Hard Plastic Carrying case

Instruction Booklet

ProMed Specialties

Technical Specifications

ProM-300 (TENS three modes with timer)

Channels: Dual, isolated between channels

Wave Form: Asymmetrical Bi-phasic square pulse

Pulse Amplitude: Adjustable 0-80mA peak into 500 ohm load

     each channel, constant current

Pulse Frequency: 2Hz-120Hz adjustable

Pulse Width: 40µs - 260µs adjustable

Function Modes: B: Cycle Bursts, 2 Bursts/sec, 9 pulses/Burst,

100Hz, width is adjustable.

C: Continuous mode. Pulse rate, pulse width and

     intensity are adjustable.

M: Modulated Width. Pulse width is

     automatically varied in an interval of 6 seconds.

The modulation range of pulse width is from

setting value to 35% less than the control setting

value, then returns to the setting value. Rate,

width and intensity are fully adjustable.

Timer: 30, 60 minute and continuous mode selectable

Maximum Charge: 21 micro coulombs per pulse

Power Source: 9 volt alkaline battery or similar rechargeable cell

Battery Life: 70 hours average usage (alkaline)

Size: 95 mm(H) 61.5mm(W) 26m(T)

Weight: Approx. 120grams (battery included)

All values have 10% +/- tolerance

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