Shu Di Huang, Prepared Rehmannia Root - 32oz

Shu Di Huang, Prepared Rehmannia Root - 32oz

Shu Di Huang, Prepared Rehmannia Root - 32oz

SKU FES960-32
Brand Far East Summit Single Herb Liquid Extracts
Unit Size 32 oz.
Potency 8:1
Taste Sweet
Properties Slightly Warm
Contraindications Epigastric and abdominal pain and bloating. Stagnant Qi with copious Phlegm. Pasty stools and loss of appetite. Overuse
Actions Nourishes Yin and Blood.Tonifies the Essence.Strengthens the Marrow.
Branch Liver, Kidneys, Heart.
Chinese name Shu Di Huang
English name Prepared Rehmannia Root
Description Class: Tonify ~
Subclass: Tonify the Blood.

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