Polygonum Multiflorum Root (He Shou Wu)

Polygonum Multiflorum Root (He Shou Wu)

Polygonum Multiflorum Root (He Shou Wu)

SKU KS127-1
Brand Kan Singles
Unit Size 1oz
Taste Bitter, sweet - Bensky
Properties Astringent, slightly warm - Bensky
Contraindications Contraindicated in those with loose stools or significant dampness or phlegm. - Bensky
Chinese Symptomology Premature greying, weakness of the lower back and knees, spermatorrhea, uterine bleeding, or vaginal discharge due to Liver and Kidney deficiency - Bensky
Actions Nourishes the blood and yin, preserves the essence. - Bensky
Pattern Yin or blood deficiency - Bensky
Channels Entered Liver, Kidney - Bensky
Chinese name He Shou Wu
English name Flowery Knotweed Root; Polygonum multiflorum

Flowery Knotweed Root nourishes the blood and yin, preserves the essence. - Bensky


Polygonum Multiflorum Root - He Shou Wu

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