Plasters and Patches

Far Infrared Herbal Patch, Cool

SKU: GS108
Unit Size: Bag of 3 pieces (11 x 15 cm, 4.3" x 5.9")

This patch is green in color and contains a piezoelectric ingredient that is activated by body heat to emit the Far Infrared therapeutic frequency along with Chinese herbs that are predominantly “cool.”

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This product has been discontinued and is no longer available for sale. If you need help finding a similar product please email us.

Far Infrared Herbal Patch, Cool (Green)

SKU: GS135
Unit Size: 10 patches per bag
This patch contains a piezoelectric ingredient that is activated by body heat to emit the Far Infrared frequency along with Chinese herbs.
(0 reviews)  

This product has been discontinued and is no longer available for sale. If you need help finding a similar product please email us.

Far Infrared Herbal Patch, Hot (Yellow)

SKU: GS136
Unit Size: 10 patches per bag
Contains a piezoelectric ingredient that is activated by body heat to emit the Far Infrared frequency along with Chinese herbs.
(0 reviews)  

This product has been discontinued and is no longer available for sale. If you need help finding a similar product please email us.

Far Infrared Herbal Patch, Warm

SKU: GS107
Unit Size: Bag of 3 pieces (11 x 15 cm, 4.3\" x 5.9\")
This patch is yellow in color and contains a piezoelectric ingredient that is activated by body heat to emit the Far Infrared therapeutic frequency along with Chinese herbs that are predominantly warm. Use on patients with poor circulation.
(0 reviews)  

This product has been discontinued and is no longer available for sale. If you need help finding a similar product please email us.