Perilla Seed Tablets

Perilla Seed Tablets

Perilla Seed Tablets

Brand Seven Forests
Unit Size 100 tablets (crude herbs are powdered, except for cordyceps extract that is added, and the mixture is formed)
Western Symptomology AsthmaChronic coughing
Actions Settle uprising qiVentilate lungsTonify kidney and lung

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English name Perilla Seed Tablets
Description Perilla Seed Tablets is a formula based on traditional and modern Chinese herbal therapies for asthma, such as the ancient Perilla Fruit Combination (Suzi Jiangqi Tang; Perilla Lower the Qi Decoction) and the modern Dingchuan San (Anti-asthmatic Powder). The formula has the functions of ventilating the lungs (apricot seed, peucedanum, magnolia bark), settling the counterflow of qi (perilla seed, inula flower), tonifying the kidney and lung (cordyceps, gecko), astringing/moisturizing the lungs (schizandra, mume), and tonifying qi (codonopsis, atractylodes, licorice). Perilla seed has been shown to contain fatty acids (dominated by omega-3) that have a pronounced anti-inflammatory action, and one can additionally supplement the treatment with capsules of its oil. This formula is especially suitable for treatment of chronic asthma, as this syndrome is thought to involve deficiency of kidney, spleen, and lung. There are other formulas available with similar applications, such as Pinellia 16, Gecko-A, Epimedium 8, and Cordyceps 9. Pinellia 16 is more appropriate when there is evidence of phlegm excess; Gecko-A is appropriate when there is notable yang deficiency; Epimedium 8 is appropriate for seasonal allergies in the elderly; and Cordyceps 9 is especially useful when there is significant kidney essence deficiency as occurs after chronic use of steroid-based drugs. Asthma often begins during childhood, but it can initiate at any time, often as the result of exposure to an environmental irritant or from a highly stressful event that affects the emotions, and this formula is designed for the initial stages (mild wheezing, intermittent problem) as well as chronic asthma (wheezing partially controlled by drugs; more persistent). See also: Ping Chuan Pian (Pine Mountain).

Zi Su Zi (perilla seed) 14% Wu Wei Zi (schizandra) 8% Xing Ren (apricot seed) 8% Wu Mei (mume) 8% Hou Po (magnolia bark) 8% Dang Shen (codonopsis) 8% Bai Zhu (atractylodes) 8% Dong Chong Xia Cao (cordyceps (e)) 8% Ge Jie (gecko) 8% Xuan Fu Hua (inula flower) 8% Qian Hu (peucedanum) 8% Gan Cao (licorice) 6%

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