Peaceful Shen, 8 oz

Peaceful Shen, 8 oz

Peaceful Shen, 8 oz

SKU KT134C-8
Brand Kan Traditionals
Unit Size 8 oz.
Dosage Adult Dose: 2- 30 drops, 2 - 3 times daily
Potency 7:1
Contraindications Contraindicated in Yin or Blood deficiency Spirit (Shen) disturbances. Use with caution during pregnancy.
Chinese Symptomology Disturbed Shen, Stomach and Gallbladder Heat, Phlegm accumulation
Western Symptomology Focal distension of the chest, feelings of oppression in the chest and epigastrium; phlegm in the chest; poor digestion, distension in the abdomen with slight nausea and possible vomiting; palpitations, fatigue, insomnia, dizziness, vertigo; irritability, restlessness, depression, anxiety
Actions Clears Heat, regulates Qi, transforms Phlegm, directs Rebellious Qi downwards, harmonizes the Middle Burner, calms the Spirit
Pattern Phlegm Heat creating disharmony between Stomach and Gallbladder; Heart and Gallbladder deficiency
Tongue Swollen red or normal, with yellow coating, swollen, Stomach or Stomach-Heart crack (lined with yellow coating)
Pulse Rapid, slippery or wiry
Recommendations To evaporate alcohol, place drops in hot water
Chinese name Shi Wei Wen Dan Tang

Transforms and clears Phlegm Heat, harmonizes the Gallbladder and Stomach, regulates Qi, directs rebellious Qi downward, tonifies the Heart and Gallbladder, calms the Spirit (Shen).*


Chen pi - Tangerine dried rind of mature fruit

Fa ban xia - Licorice cured pinellia rhizome

Chao zhi shi - Dry fried bitter orange immature fruit

Zhu ru - Bamboo shavings

Fu ling - Poria

Gan cao - Chinese licorice root & rhizome

Hong zao - Red jujube fruit

Chao suan zao ren - Dry fried sour jujube seed

Yuan zhi - Polygala root

Gan jiang - Ginger rhizome

Water:  55% to 60% by volume

Alcohol:  18% to 22% by volume