Brochures, Cards and Office Forms
Medical Pamphlets, Brochures and Information Sheets for Acupuncture, Chiropractic and Other Medical Clinics.
Headaches - Education Card - 50 Count
Education cards are a powerful way to introduce patients to the variety of imbalances that acupuncture can address and a great way to illustrate the far ranging affects of acupuncture and Chinese medicine.
Health Benefits of Mushrooms Brochure Download
Brochure Download
Health Reminder Card - 50 Count
Heart & Small Intestine Organ Sheet
Each colorful sheet focuses on a specific meridian system providing you with a practice building tool that will inform, educate and empower your patient as he/she progresses along the path of wellness.
HIV/Aids- Education Card - 50 Count
Education cards are a powerful way to introduce patients to the variety of imbalances that acupuncture can address and a great way to illustrate the far ranging affects of acupuncture and Chinese medicine.
Holiday Buddha Card - 50 Count
Text inside postcard reads: Happy Holidays! Wishing You Abundance, Health & Prosperity.
Holiday Season Lantern Card - 50 Count
Text inside postcard reads: “Wishing you Joy, Longevity, Peace and Harmony this holiday season.”
Host Defense Product Guide (FREE consumer catalog)
One per customer limit
Hypertension- Education Card - 50 Count
Education cards are a powerful way to introduce patients to the variety of imbalances that acupuncture can address and a great way to illustrate the far ranging affects of acupuncture and Chinese medicine.