OB/GYN Menstrual Restorative Formula

OB/GYN Menstrual Restorative Formula

OB/GYN Menstrual Restorative Formula

Brand Modern Prescriptives (by Far East Summit)
Unit Size 60 capsules (10:1 concentrates)
Chinese Symptomology Menstrual complaints;Fatigue
Actions Supplements blood and qi
English name OB/GYN Menstrual Restorative Formula
Description Menstrual Restorative Formula is a nourishing supplement that is an adaptation of the classic "Four Things Soup," used by women for thousands of years to support the symptoms associated with monthly blood loss. This modern tonic formula helps to balance a woman's monthly cycle and alleviate fatigue.*
Ingredients Dang Gui root, Prepared Rehmannia root, Ligusticum wallichii root, White Peony root, Siberian Polygonatum rhizome, Codonopsis root, Agrimony herb, and Cyperus rhizome