Nutmeg Essential Oil

Nutmeg Essential Oil

Nutmeg Essential Oil

Brand Snow Lotus Essential Oils
Unit Size 10 ml bottle
Contraindications A skin-sensitizing oil, so avoid using on sensitive or delicate skin.
Actions Tonifies Yang, warms the interior and strengthens the mind (Holmes, Clinical Aromatherapy, 2009)
English name Nutmeg Essential Oil
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Price: $18.00
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Quantity (4 in stock)
Description An earthy basenote oil distilled from organic Indonesian nutmegs. Spicy, sweet and rooty, Nutmeg is a warming stimulant in states of weakness. For loss of mental focus, nervous exhaustion, heart weakness and frigidity. Will add a deep, euphoric, mysterious note to most blends.
Ingredients Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) essential oil, seed, cultivated, organic, from Indonesia.