Nuherbs Co. commits itself to the highest standards of quality and safety and to promoting the unparalleled benefits of Chinese Medicine through education and giving to the community. Our aim is to advance the practice and acceptance of Chinese Medicine in the United States by offering high quality Chinese herbs and herbal formulas..
Tai Zi Shen
Pseudostellaria Root tonifies the qi and yin, but rather weakly - Bensky
Tai Zi Shen (Lab Tested)
Pseudostellaria Root tonifies the qi and yin, but rather weakly - Bensky
Tang Kwe Gin
Tan Kwe Gin is a tonic syrup for men or women that nurtures and invigorates blood and tonifies Spleen qi. Good for fatigue following illness, surgery, or other trauma. Helps regulate the menstrual cycle.
Tao Ren (Lab Tested)
Peach Kernal invigorates the blood, dispels stasis, moistens the Intestines, stops coughs and wheezing - Bensky
Tao Ren, 1lb
Peach Kernal invigorates the blood, dispels stasis, moistens the Intestines, stops coughs and wheezing - Bensky
Tian Hua Fen (Lab Tested), 1lb
Trichosanthis Root cools heat, generates fluids, resolves toxicity, reduces swelling, invigorates the blood - Bensky
Tian Hua Fen, 1lb
Trichosanthis Root cools heat, generates fluids, resolves toxicity, reduces swelling, invigorates the blood - Bensky
Tian Ji Huang
Clear heat and promote diuresis, resolve swelling and remove toxicity.*
Tian Ma
Gastrodia Rhizome - Calms the Liver with gentle nourishment, extinguishes wind* - Bensky: Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica, 3rd ed.
Tian Ma (Lab Tested)
Gastrodia Rhizome - Calms the Liver with gentle nourishment, extinguishes wind* - Bensky: Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica, 3rd ed.
Tian Men Dong
Asparagus Tuber tonifies the yin of the Lungs and Kidneys, generates fluids, cools heat due to yin deficiency - Bensky
Tian Men Dong (Lab Tested)
Asparagus Tuber tonifies the yin of the Lungs and Kidneys, generates fluids, cools heat due to yin deficiency - Bensky
Tian Nan Xing (treated)
Jack-in-the-Pulpit Root very Acrid, dispersing, warm, and drying: eliminates wind-phlegm in the channels and collaterals; toxic in its raw (unprepared) form.
Tian Zhu Huang (Lab Tested)
Bamboo Silica arrests palpitations, extinguishes wind, dislodges phlegm and opens the orifices - Bensky
Ting Li Zi
Lepidium Seed drains the Lungs, reduces Phlegm and calms wheezing; Circulates water and reduces edema*
Ting Li Zi (Lab Tested)
Lepidium Seed drains the Lungs, reduces Phlegm and calms wheezing; Circulates water and reduces edema*
Tong Cao
Facilitates the fluid metabolism of the Lungs, promotes lactation by raising the Stomach qi - Bensky
Tong Cao (Lab Tested)
Tong Cao (Xiao), 1/4lb
Facilitates the fluid metabolism of the Lungs, promotes lactation by raising the Stomach qi - Bensky
Tou Gu Cao (Lab Tested)
Tu Fu Ling - Lab Tested, 1lb
Smilax removes damp-heat, resolves toxicity, eases the joints.
Tu Fu Ling, 1lb
Smilax removes damp-heat, resolves toxicity, eases the joints.