Nature's Nurse

Nature's Nurse

We are a different kind of company offering a different kind of product. We are Fijians and Americans working together to offer a natural alternative to seasonal medicines that are made in industrial factories by huge conglomerates. We call ourselves "Nature's Nurse" because we believe in a natural approach to caring for the body. We care for You, naturally! Nature’s Nurse, Inc. is a remarkable vibrant company helping many people. More and more individuals and groups like to be a part of our team because it has several powerful story lines: world exclusivity for producing and providing Red Mangrove™—a powerful natural product for nasal-and- bronchial challenges one would relate with cold symptoms; minority owned; supporting indigenous people; promoting the environment; caring for and creating peace for the children around the globe, all in a new model of conducting for-profit business that honors and considers all the aforementioned. It is life-and-business sustaining and brings out the best in all we do.

Breath of Life, The Vital Role of Red Mangrove for Human and Planetary Health by Dr. Ted Anders (Author), Resina Koroi (Author), Jean-Michel Cousteau (Foreword)

SKU: NN102
Unit Size: 150 pages

This book chronicles the amazing journey by Dr. Ted Anders and Resina Koroi and their families as they re-discovered the power of ancient Fijian natural medicine and brought it into the pharmacies, homes and hospitals of the modern world.

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