Mu Gua

Mu Gua

Mu Gua

Brand Asia Naturals Raw Herbs
Unit Size 1 pound
Taste Sour - Bensky
Properties Warm - Bensky
Contraindications Contraindicated in those with internal constrained heat and scanty dark urine. Also contraindicated in those with hyperchlorhydria - Bensky
Chinese Symptomology Severe cramping pain in the extremities, weakness in the lower back and lower extremities; Abdominal pain, spasms, cramping of the calves, edema due to leg qi; Indigestion - Bensky
Actions Transforms dampness, harmonizes the Spleen and Stomach, alleviates cramping.
Pattern Dampness, food stagnation - Bensky
Channels Entered Liver, Spleen - Bensky

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Chinese name Mu Gua
English name Quince (Chinese) Fruit; Wood Melon; Fr. Chaenomelis Lagenariae
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Price: $10.30
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Quantity (1 in stock)

Excerpted from Bensky:  Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica, 3rd ed

  • Relaxes the sinews and unblocks the channels:  for damp painful obstruction in the extremities, especially with severe cramping pain, and weakness in the lower back and lower extremities.  This is one of the more effective herbs for relaxing the sinews.*
  • Harmonizes the Stomach and transforms dampness:  for abdominal pain, spasms, and cramping of the calves, and edema due to leg qi.  Especially useful for disharmony between the Liver and Spleen leading to leg problems.*
  • Reduces food stagnation:  for indigestion.  While this effect is similiar to that obtained from Crataegi Fructus (shan zha), it is not commonly used.
Ingredients Mu Gua (Fr. Chaenomelis Lagenariae ) - 100%
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