Move Mountains, 1oz

Move Mountains, 1oz

Move Mountains, 1oz

SKU SS114-1
Brand Sage Solutions by Kan Herb Company
Unit Size 1 oz
Potency 7:1
Chinese Symptomology Generalized fatigue, weakness, collapse, dryness, stiffness, lack of endurance, depression, apathy or ennui; Difficulty recuperating from illness or childbirth; To enhance mental and physical capacity and performance; May be used as a pleasant tonic beverage by mixing 1 - 2 dropperfuls extract in hot or carbonated water, with sweetener if desired
English name Move Mountains, 1 oz

The five herbs in this formula rejuvenate and harmonize the entire organism, enliving awareness, augmenting defenses, and restoring vital secretions. Move Mountains enhances integrity, equanimity, and pliancy - the ability to adjust to taxing demands while still maintaining equilibrium. It can be used as an all-purpose tonic.


Huang qi - Astragalus root; Wu wei zi - Schisandra fruit; Gou qi zi - Lycium fruit; Yu zhu - Aromatic Solomon's seal rhizome; Ji lin bai ren shen - White Asian ginseng root; Ji lin bai ren shen (tail) - White Asian ginseng tail

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