Moondrops Essential Oil Blend

Moondrops Essential Oil Blend

Moondrops Essential Oil Blend

Brand Snow Lotus Essential Oils
Unit Size 10 ml bottle
Western Symptomology Fatigue, restlessness, mental distraction, restless depression or anxiety, low self-confidence; PMS, dysmenorrhea
Actions Nourishes the Blood and Yin, and strengthens and harmonizes the Mind
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Price: $17.00
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Quantity (1 in stock)

Soothing, calming drops of pure moonlight

Dominant oils: Blue tansy, Mandarin, Atlas cedarwood, jojoba 50%
Chinese Medicine functions: Nourishes the Blood and Yin, and strengthens and harmonizes the Mind
Indications: Blood and Yin deficiency with Mind weakness or disharmony
Symptoms: Fatigue, restlessness, mental distraction, restless depression or anxiety, low self-confidence; PMS, dysmenorrhea

Ingredients Dominant oils: Blue tansy, Mandarin, Atlas cedarwood, jojoba 50%
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