Mobility 2, 270 Caps

Mobility 2, 270 Caps

Mobility 2, 270 Caps

Brand Health Concerns
Unit Size 270 capsiules, 650 mg, 45 day supply
Dosage 2 to 4 capsules, 3 times per day, between meals
Potency not disclosed - unknown
Chinese Symptomology Relieves the Surface, Promotes the Flow of Water, Dispels Wind-Damp, Vitalizes Blood Circulation
Actions 1. Treats severe chronic arthritis or rheumatism characterized by inflammatory processes and stagnation of blood flow in the joints. 2. Treats gout, sciatica, lumbago. 3. Treats edema.

Health Concerns Clinical Handbook PDF

Note: Health Concerns is converting all formulas from tablets to capsules. Our inventory will reflect both until the conversion is complete.

Chinese name Shu Jing Huo Xue Tang
English name Mobility 2 (Clematis Combination Herbal Supplement), 270 caps
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Price: $85.90
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Quantity (8 in stock)

Mobility 2 is based on the traditional formula Clematis Combination (Shu Jing Huo Xue Tang). In Traditional Chinese Medicine, arthritis is caused by poor circulation, accumulation of moisture in the joints, and inflammation related to blood stagnation. Mobility 2 treats these conditions while also nourishing and circulating the blood and providing analgesic relief of pain.


Chinese Peony root extract - chi shao
Dong Quai root extract - dang gui
Ligusticum root extract - chuan xiong
Rehmannia root extract (cooked) - shu di huang
Peach kernel extract - tao ren
Bai-Zhu Atractylodes rhizome extract - bai zhi
Poria sclerotium - fu ling
Tangerine peel extract - chen pi
Siler root extract - fang feng
Chaste Tree berry extract - man jing zi
Andrographis leaf extract - chuan xin lian
Achyranthes root extract - niu xi
Ginger root extract - gan jiang
Clematis root extract - wei ling xian
Fragrant Angelica root extract - bai zhi
Pomegranate fruit extract - shi liu
Licorice root extract - gan caot

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