Marrow Matters, 2oz

Marrow Matters,  2oz

Marrow Matters, 2oz

SKU SS111-2
Brand Sage Solutions by Kan Herb Company
Unit Size 2 oz
Potency 7:1
Contraindications Contraindicated with acute infection or inflammation of the genitourinary tract; acute stage bone and cartilage injury, or acute exacerbation of inflammatory bone or joint disease; Contraindicated during pregnancy or nursing; Caution with weak digestion,
Chinese Symptomology History of stress fractures, or other indications of bone fragility;Slow or non-healing bone injuries or fractures;Hyperplasia or degeneration of bone and/or cartilage following injury;Retarded or abnormal development of bones and teeth;
Western Symptomology Osteoporosis; Bone fragility; Non-healing bone fracture
Actions Prevention and inhibition of menopausal or age-related osteoporosis
English name Marrow Matters

This formula is a synthesis of those successfully used in Chinese clinical trials. Its therapeutic objectives are to invigorate the Kidney, replenish Essence, strengthen bones and tendons, fortify Yang, and vitalize Blood.


Pinyin Name

Common Name

Sheng di huang

Raw rehmannia root

Yin yang huo

Epimedium herb

Du zhong

Eucommia bark

Xu duan

Sichuan teasel root

Gu sui bu

Drynaria rhizome

Xue jie

Dragon's blood palm resin

Dan shen

Chinese salvia root and rhizome

Xian mao

Curculigo rhizome

Lu jiao jiao

Deer horn gelatin (soybean)

Long gu

Dragon bone

Han lian cao

Eclipta herb

Duan mu li

Oyster shell

Bai zhu

White atractylodes rhizome

Lu xian cao

Pyrola herb

Nu zhen zi

Ligustrum fruit

Lao guan cao

Cranesbill herb

Qian nian jian

Homalomena rhizome

Huai niu xi

Achyranthes root

Wu jia pi

Eleutherococcus root bark

Zhi mu

Anemarrhena rhizome

Huang bai

Phellodendron bark