Ma Zi Ren Wan Granules, 100g

Ma Zi Ren Wan Granules, 100g

Ma Zi Ren Wan Granules, 100g

Brand TCM Zone Granule Formulas - 100g Bottles
Unit Size 100 gram bottle
Potency 5:1
Contraindications It is not for a pregnant woman.
Pattern Dry Heat in the Intestines and a lack of secretion of Fluids; it is an emollient especially suitable for elderly persons.
Tongue Usually has a yellow and dry coating.
Pulse Usually deep, rapid or hesitant.

Moistens the Intestines, drains heat, promotes the movement of qi, and unblocks the bowels*.


Ingredients (daily amount of raw herb in gram)

Huo Ma Ren (Semen cannabis sativae) 7.50g
Peony Root (Shao yao) 3.21g
Immature Bitter Orange (Zhi shi) 3.21g
Magnolia Bark (Hou po) 6.43g
Apricot Seed (Xing ren) 3.21g
Rhubarb (Da huang) 6.43g

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