Ling Zhi (Large)

Ling Zhi (Large)

Ling Zhi (Large)

Brand Asia Naturals Raw Herbs
Unit Size 1 pound
Dosage 3-15 grams in decoctions
Taste Sweet
Properties Neutral
Contraindications Side effects have been reported in very rare cases, including vertigo, dry mouth and nose, nausea, epistaxis, and constipation or diarrhea. There have also been reports of serious allergic reactions to intramuscular injections of preparations of ganoderm
Chinese Symptomology Insomnia, fright and palpitations, and forgetfulness associated with insufficient Heart qi and blood failing to nourish the spirit;Deficiency consumption with shortness of breath, lack of appetite, and either icy extremities or irritability with a dry mouth.Cough and Wheezing.
Actions Calms the spirit while augmenting the qi and nourishing the blood. - Bensky
Pattern Insufficient Heart qi and blood failing to nourish the spirit. - BenskyCold from deficiency or phlegm-dampness. - BenskyDeficiency consumption with shortness of breath. - Bensky
Channels Entered Heart, Liver, Lung
Branch Heart, Liver, Lung

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Chinese name Ling Zhi (Large)
English name Reishi Mushroom; Ganoderma
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Price: $19.98
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Quantity (6 in stock)

Excerpted from Bensky:  Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica, 3rd ed.

  • Calms the spirit, augments the Heart qi, and tonifies the Heart blood:  for insomnia, fright and palpitations, and forgetfullness associated with insufficient Heart qi and blood failing to nourish the spirit.  Can be used as a stand-alone herb for this purpose.*
  • Tonifies the Lung qi, transforms phlegm, and stops coughs and wheezing:  for cough and wheezing in patients with cold from deficiency or phlegm-dampness.  Can be used as a stand-alone herb for this purpose.*
  • Tonifies the qi, nourishes the blood:  for deficiency consumption with shortness of breath, lack of appetite, and either icy extremities or irritability with a dry mouth.*
Ingredients Ling Zhi - Ganoderma
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