Lime Essential Oil

Lime Essential Oil

Lime Essential Oil

Brand Snow Lotus Essential Oils
Unit Size 10 ml bottle
Contraindications Increases skin photosensitivity, so avoid any exposure to sunlight after topical application.
Actions Regulates Qi, clears heat and harmonizes the mind (Holmes, Clinical Aromatherapy, 2009)
English name Lime Essential Oil
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Price: $11.00
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Quantity (2 in stock)
Description A robust fruity, mouth-watering oil steam-distilled from Mexican lime peels. Relaxing and uplifting, Lime oil helps with mental distraction and worry. Induces emotional poise and composure. Used topically to soothe discomfort of the muscles.
Ingredients Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) essential oil, rind, cultivated, selective, from West Indies.
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