Li Zhong Wan, 4oz (8:1)

Li Zhong Wan, 4oz (8:1)

Li Zhong Wan, 4oz (8:1)

SKU FES600-4
Brand Far East Summit Chinese Classics, Liquid Concentrates (8:1)
Unit Size 4 oz.
Potency 8:1
Chinese name Li Zhong Wan
English name Center-Rectifying Combination

Warms the center, dispels cold, boosts the qi, and fortifies the spleen.*

Complete extraction 8:1 liquid concentrate from Far East Summit processed using purified water and whole grain alcohol only. Alcohol content 16-25%.


Ingredients Chinese White Ginseng root, Dry Ginger rhizome, White Atractylodes rhizome, Honey Baked Licorice root.