Kudzu Releasing Formula, 8 oz

Kudzu Releasing Formula, 8 oz

Kudzu Releasing Formula, 8 oz

SKU KT130-8
Brand Kan Traditionals
Unit Size 8 oz.
Potency 7:1
Contraindications Contraindicated in Wind Cold Exterior deficiency patterns accompanied by sweating.
Pattern Exterior Wind-Cold attack at the Tai Yang stage
Tongue Thin white coat
Pulse Floating, tight
Branch Lung
Chinese name Ge Gen Tang
English name Kudzu Releasing Formula

Dispels Wind Cold, eases the muscles, relieves pain*


Ge gen - Kudzu root;

Gan jiang - Dried ginger rhizome;

Zi su ye - Perilla leaf;

Gui zhi - Chinese cinnamon twig;

Qiang huo - Notopterygium root & rhizome;

Bai shao - White peony root;

Gan cao - Chinese licorice root;

Hei zao - Black jujube fruit