Ku Shen Granules, 100g

Ku Shen Granules, 100g

Ku Shen Granules, 100g

Brand Min Tong Granules - Single Herbs
Unit Size 100 grams
Potency 5:1 extract granules
Taste Bitter - Bensky
Properties Cold - Bensky
Contraindications Contraindicated in cases of cold from deficiency of the Spleen or Stomach. - Bensky
Actions Expels wind, stops itching, promotes urination. - Bensky
Pattern Damp-heat in the lower burner; damp toxin skin lesion, damp-heat - Bensky
Channels Entered Bladder, Heart, Liver, Large Intestine, Stomach, Small Intestine - Bensky
Chinese name Ku Shen Granules
English name Flavescent Sophora Root

Flavescent Sophora Root expels wind, stops itching, promotes urination* - Bensky: Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica, 3rd ed

Ingredients Ku Shen - Sophora Radix