Stone Clearing (Reformulated Jin Qian Cao Stone)

Stone Clearing (Reformulated Jin Qian Cao Stone)

Stone Clearing (Reformulated Jin Qian Cao Stone)

Brand Health Concerns
Unit Size 90 capsules, 695mg
Dosage 3 capsules, TID, between meals
Potency not disclosed - unknown
Contraindications Do not rely on this formula as the sole treatment for kidney stones. The patient should be monitored and treated with TCM in combination with Western medical approaches, such as Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL).
Chinese Symptomology Dissolves Urinary and Kidney Stones, Promotes Blood Circulation, Diuretic

Health Concerns Clinical Handbook PDF

Note: Health Concerns is converting all formulas from tablets to capsules. Our inventory will reflect both until the conversion is complete.

English name Jin Qian Cao Stone (Lysimachia Herbal Supplement)
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Price: $35.90
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Quantity (6 in stock)

Treats kidney and bladder stones.

Formula Rationale
Stone Clearing (reformulated Jin Qian Cao Stone Formula) is a modification of a Chinese patent
medicine (“Passwan” – named presumably for a pill – wan – that helps to pass stones), used to
treat for kidney stones. phyllanthus (Phyllanthus amarus) and related herbs have been used
worldwide for kidney stones and urogenital infections; in TCM it treats damp-heat in the lower
jiao. Bupleurum (chai hu) relieves stagnant qi and helps prevent and dispel stones. Tribulus (ji
li) has been used to treat kidney stones and as an herbal diuretic. Other herbs that vitalize blood
or have diuretic effects, include tienchi ginseng (san qi), Chinese peony (chi shao), and plantago
seed (che qian zi). Phyllanthus, bupleurum (chai hu), Plantago (che qian zi), yin-chen wormwood
(yin chen hao), and Chinese peony (chi shao) eliminate damp heat. Gardenia (zhi zi) and Plantago
(che qian zi) clear heat and toxins. Bupleurum (chai hu), tienchi (san qi), and licorice (gan cao)
have an anti-inflammatory effect. Bupleurum, Tienchi ginseng and Chinese peony (chi shao)
promotes blood circulation. Tienchi ginseng is also traditionally used to reduce swelling and pain.

Clinical Notes
1. This formula dissolves stones slowly over time.
2. Western medicine is of importance when the condition is serious, i.e. severe pain or acute
inflammation or threat of the stone entering the urethra.
3. General course of treatment is six months to one year.
4. Generous amounts of water should be taken by patients taking this formula to increase its
effectiveness and to obviate fluid depletion.
5. Traditionally combined with cornsilk tea (Yu Mi Xu).



Phyllanthus amarus
Bupleurum root* chai hu
Tribulus fruit* ji li
Gardenia fruit* zhi zi
Wormwood aerial* yin chen hao
Plantago seed* che qian zi
Japanese Knotweed root* hu zhang
Chinese Peony root* chi shao
Bitter Orange peel* zhi qiao
Tienchi Ginseng root* san qi
Licorice root gan cao

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