Jade Windscreen, 2 oz.

Jade Windscreen, 2 oz.

Jade Windscreen, 2 oz.

SKU KT129-2
Brand Kan Traditionals
Unit Size 2 oz
Dosage 10-20 drops, 2-3 times per day
Potency 7:1
Properties Bolsters immune health in children and adults during times of seasonal and environmental stress
Contraindications Contraindicated during a Wind Cold or Wind Heat invasion.
Actions Supplements the Lung and Defensive (Wei) Qi, stabilizes the exterior and fortifies the Spleen
Pattern Defensive (Wei) Qi and Lung Qi vacuity
Tongue Pale, puffy with a thin white coating
Pulse Floating or forceless and thready
Branch Lung

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Chinese name Yu Ping Feng San
English name Jade Windscreen, 2 oz.
Description Jade Windscreen Powder (yu ping feng san) reflects the fine herbal craftmanship of Dr. Zhu Dan-Xi, father of the Supplementing Yin (bu yin) school of classical Chinese medicine. Dr. Zhu understood the relationship between the (jing luo) channel system and the viscera (zang-fu) in pathology. Jade Windscreen Powder is the only formula that specifically treats vacuity of the Defensive (wei) Qi, the first line of defense against Wind Cold Damp Pathogenic Qi that can disturb the equilibrium of health. Defensive Qi vacuity combined with Correct (zheng) Qi vacuity can lead to allergic reactions to environmental Qi, often called "environmental disorder."
Ingredients huang qi (astragalus root); bai zhu (white atractylodes rhizome); fang feng (siler root); shan yao (Chinese yam root); hei zao (black jujube fruit); gui zhi (Chinese cinnamon twig); bai shao (white peony root)
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