Jade Pearl 2 (8 oz)

Jade Pearl 2 (8 oz)

Jade Pearl 2 (8 oz)

SKU KJW115-8
Brand Jade Woman Herbals by Kan
Unit Size 8 oz.
Potency 7:1
Contraindications Do not use during the acute phase of an infection or attack by an external pathogen.
Western Symptomology infertility, PCOS
Actions Regulates Liver Qi and clears constraint; Resolves Phlegm Damp accumulation; Regulates the Blood, the Chong and Ren channels: Tonifies the Kidney

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English name Jade Pearl 2 (8 oz)

In Jade Pearl 2, we take some elements of Free and Easy Powder Xiao Yao San, and augment them by adding Liver soothing and regulating herbs and Blood moving herbs. We also take some elements of the formula, Decoction for Restoring the Kidney and Removing Phlegm Bu Shen Hua Tan Tang, as we did for Jade Pearl 1, but focusing somewhat less on the Phlegm clearing aspect and more on the Kidney tonic aspect.* Jade Pearl 2 is indicated for women diagnosed with PCOS who have not put on weight. Ideally treatment should continue for 3 - 6 months. If cycles improve in regularity and your patient is trying to conceive, then combine Jade Pearl 2 with Jade Moon Phase treatments particularly during Phase 2 and 3. Half of the maximum recommended dose of each of Jade Pearl and Jade Moon can be taken at the same time.* - Lyttleton*


Bai shao - White peony root

Zhi xiang fu - Cyperus rhizome (prepared)

Tu si zi - Chinese dodder seed

Dang gui shen - Dong quai root

Chuan niu xi - Cyathula root

Gou qi zi - Lycium fruit

Chai hu - Bupleurum root

Li zhe he - Litchi seed

Xia ku cao - Prunella fruit spike

He huan pi - Silk tree bark

Yin yang huo - Epimedium herb

Shan zhu yu - Asiatic cornelian cherry

Shu di huang - Rehamnnia root (prepared)

Chuan xiong - Sichuan lovage rhizome

Shan zha - Chinese hawthorn fruit

Zao jiao ci - Gleditsia spine

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