Isatis Root (Ban Lan Gen) 1 oz

Isatis Root (Ban Lan Gen) 1 oz

Isatis Root (Ban Lan Gen) 1 oz

SKU KS120-1
Brand Kan Singles
Unit Size 1 fl. oz bottle with dropper
Dosage As directed
Taste Bitter - Bensky
Properties Cold - Bensky
Contraindications Cold from deficiency of the Spleen and Stomach
Chinese Symptomology Warm-heat Pathogen; Warm Epidemic Disorder; Damp-heat Jaundice; Fire Toxicity
Actions Drains heat; Resolves fire toxicity; Cools the blood; Benefits the throat
Pattern Warm-heat pathogen disorder; Damp-heat jaundice - Bensky
Channels Entered Heart; Lung; Stomach
Chinese name Ban Lan Gen
English name Isatis Root, 1 oz

Kan Singles are highly con­cen­trated extracts of individual Chinese and Western herbs. Each herb is processed in small batches that yield the most favorable percentage of herbal material per fluid ounce. Kan utilizes an innovative technology: a temperature-specific method of low heat, water-alcohol extraction, without hexane or ether solvents, in a closed system of all-glass construction. This produces fragrant, concentrated elixirs with no harsh residues, undesirable by-products, or loss of active compounds. The final product is the most aromatic, bioavailable herbal extract possible. Kan Singles herb extracts enable practitioners to modify existing formulas by adding individual ingredients, combine single herbs into simple formulas, and use individual herbal ingredients to treat specific conditions.*


Isatis Root - Ban Lan Gen

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